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Happy Hour Friday – Will’s Office Reveal

You know Will, the Hubster, (if you don’t read about him here).  He’s a hard working guy, one of the most generous, selfless men that I have ever met.  Sure he’s particular and quirky, but he also has strong character and a higher perspective on life.  I could go on and on with the list of commendations, but that’s not what this post is about.

This post is about Will’s new office!  It was my surprise gift to him as a reward for all his hard work.

here is, hard at work in his new office.

We are only renting right now.  We have thought about buying a house, but the time just isn’t right.  Nor have we seen anything we’re crazy about.  Honestly, we like the idea of building a house… if you’re going to spend the money, get what you want, right?  All that rabbit trail was supposed to say is that our home isn’t really ours.  And honestly, sometimes it didn’t really feel like it was ours, hand-me-down, hodge podge little honeymooner bungalow that it is.  We put a fair bit of effort into it when we first moved in, but not much since then.

Before-ish:  Right after we replaced the bed with the futon

Before: Will's old, squeaky twin bed.   It "doubled" as a couch/Izzy's perch while Will was on the Computer

Before - The desk that was left here

Now, 2 years later, I decided that it was time to give Hubster his own space.  A room that reflected him, where he could work and relax.  You know that feeling when you have a space, and it just feels like it has your DNA woven into it?  That’s what I wanted for him.  He deserves it.

Now, if you have read any of Will’s posts about budgeting then you probably are wondering how I did this as a surprise.  Well, when we bought the futon a few weeks prior Will told me he was fine with using some of our savings for putting a little effort into our home (furniture & décor) to begin investing in things that we like, we want, and we will keep with us.  So…. I took that as permission to redo his office.

My original intention was to post tutorials on all the little DIY elements first, BUT I just can’t wait any longer to share this office with the world!   I have already waited a month.  But you can find tutorials on the bookshelf, the Marquee Letter, and the curtains on the projects page. =)

For Will’s office I really wanted something baseball themed because he has a lot of Cincinnati Reds/baseball paraphernalia (there’s still more that isn’t being used yet).  The problem with a baseball theme is that I didn’t want it to seem like a little boy’s room or some meat-head baseball jock room (nothing against jocks – I still am one).  I did a lot of thinking, happened to receive two pallets from my neighbors, and saw this coffee bar on a blog I follow.   Those things all got the wheels spinning and brought me to envisioning this room.

Emma letting out her inner hoodlum, and spray painting the heck out of random odds and ends I collected.

Will's Office  (6)

the painting process.  and yes we had to leave everything in there so he wouldn't see it in the morning when he stopped by the house.

I can’t take all the credit by any means!  I had a ton of help from my sister, my little sister Carrieli, and my good friend Emma.  Without them I would still be working on this room, and probably have had about 7 mental breakdowns.

The other confession I have is that I did have to kick Will out of the house for a night… and I still didn’t quite finish even with Emma being over till am, so he had to finish building his own desk…. BUT it got done! AND HE LOVES IT!

Replaced the bookshelf and made this cool wall display:

the bookshelf is made from crates that I got with coupons from Michael's, and the Chain link on the wall is from a coworker.  It was rusty so Emma spray painted it with Chrome Rustoleum Spray Paint.

Recovered the futon to go with the new room and because Izzy was getting the black too dirty.

I recovered the futon with a massive drop cloth.  It matches the curtains.

made new curtains that stick with the new brighter colors in here to play up the natural lighting that pours into this room.  Also made them floor to ceiling to help the room feel bigger.

there are the curtains =)

Here’s the redone filing cabinet that I added because I knew he really wanted one and before he was using milk crates to house our papers.

Emma did excellent work on this piece! Look how shiny those chrome drawers are@

I actually got this little gem for free from someone who had extra.  It was originally a weird grey color, but I wanted to use it to contribute to the scheme of the room and be another pop of color, so Emma painted it for me while I painted the walls.

Some other items from around the room:

that was originally a cheapo, black plastic organizer.  Awe the magic of Chrome Spray Paint.

the Bobble heads, UK newspaper clipping, and our mini Louisville sluggers =)

Some pictures from his old room before we got married and the collages of all of our baseball adventures so far that I made him for his birthday.

And finally, the desk!

These next few are of the desk.  The pallets were free, the ductile iron plumbing pipe leg was expensive, and the desk top boards were pretty cheap!

Dara and I came up with the design for the Desk, and Will made it work.

it's the details that matter.  we put little boards in the pallet to create a recessed shelf for office supplies.

would you believe the desk top and the pallets are stained with the same stain?!

A Big Announcement – Going Back to School

Many of you know this bit of news already, but I wanted to formally announce it all the same.

I am going back to school.

To become a registered dietitian.


Even before I graduated the first time around (in 2012 from Manhattan Christian College with a BS in Cross-Cultural Studies) Will started asking me if I would ever want to go back to school.  I always told him I didn’t know, that I hadn’t thought about it.  I didn’t think about it much till this spring.

I don’t know why our culture expects 17 year olds to know what they want to do for the rest of their lives.  Actually at that age I didn’t even know that I had a passion for nutrition.  Looking back I had generally been a pretty healthy eater.  I ate constantly thanks to soccer, but generally I made pretty decent choices.

When I was 19 I found out that I am gluten-intolerant.  It took a long time to get disciplined about avoiding it.  In college it was hard to learn how to fuel up for soccer without glutenous foods.  Now the interesting thing is figuring out other ways that gluten impacts me.  When it comes to your body – nutrition is connected to everything – emotions, mental clarity, hormones, energy, and of course risk factors for cancer, heart-disease, etc.

Out enjoying creation =)

Seeing how ingesting gluten effects various areas of my life, marrying a person who is interested in sustainable agriculture and passionate about gardening, doing ministry with the marginalizedwho have little access to nutritious food, and a general desire to have a healthy body that won’t hold me back from glorifying God in any part of life stirred a passion in me to go back to school for dietetics.

What I want to do is be knowledgeable about and licensed in what I am passionate about and so that God can best use that passion to help others.  I want to help people make healthy choices – to glorify God with their body, soul, and life.

What I don’t want to do is help people achieve a goal weight for the sake of having a more ideal body.  I do not want to become a food nazi.  I do not want to meticulously count calories and grams of this and that.  I do not want to stop eating sugar.  I want to help myself and others find balance in life.  Find discipline and the occasional splurge.  Find colorful vegetables that they like.  Find joy in cooking.  Enjoy eating out without over indulging.  And overall how to have and enjoy a healthy life, a life that is more full of color, flavor, walks in the crisp fall air at sunset, moments of play and laughter with family and friends.  I want people to be able to live lives where their bodies don’t hold them back from enjoying the glory of God and giving Him glory in return.

Now, confession, not only do I not always do the best with my own nutrition, but I  also have been in school for a few months…. Since March.  That’s why my blogging has gotten a bit sparse.  I started with an 8 week, accelerated pace Basic Personal Nutrition class and then over the summer an accelerated pace Biology course.  Now I am about to embark upon a long journey over the next school year.  I will be taking Anatomy & Physiology I and Chemistry I over the next four months, and taking Anatomy & Physiology II and Chemistry II over the spring semester.

books and backpack, ready for the first day and first homework date with Hubster of the semester.

remember the bookshelf I posted about a couple weeks ago?  I had to add a crate to accommodate my growing school library.

Once that is over I will have one more class to finish up my prerequisites.  At that point I will start working through my core degree classes.  That will take me another two years if I continue at this part time/school-on-the-side pace.   This is going to be a journey…

So what I am asking is that you come along with me on this journey, grace, support, learning as I learn, growing as I grow, and marveling at how God made food and our bodies to work together.

My family is super supportive of this venture of mine.

Izzy has an odd way of showing it... I guess she thinks she can teach me more than my text books can.
